Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some musings on time...

Before Lucy arrived, everyone always told me to treasure each and every second of time with her because children grow up before you know it. And though I feel foolish saying this, yesterday I cried when I realized how quickly my two-week-old is already growing up. Yes, perhaps it's the hormones, but when I went to change Lucy's diaper and saw that her little dried (and a bit disgusting) umbilical cord had finally fallen off, I started crying. Yes, I know I'm being a bit dramatic. I mean, Lucy is only two weeks old. I still have plenty of time to savor each and every little toothless yawn and grin while she's sleeping. But seeing her cord come off, I realized just how precious this time is. On Saturday, she'll be three week's old. Before I know it, it'll be time for me to go back to work and then the time will really begin to fly. It's ironic that during my pregnancy, I couldn't wait for time to pass. I would mark each passing day on my calendar, silently urging them by. Now, I find myself willing time to slow down. I suppose all I can do is savor each and every precious moment with my little girl and not feel guilty for letting the dishes sit in the sink as the dustballs accumulate on the floor. The hours upon hours I sit in the recliner holding Lucy and staring into her eyes aren't wasted time. After all, as T.S. Eliot once wrote, "Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time." And I've thoroughly enjoyed "wasting" each and every second!


Janean said...

I love these are exactly right. And I love the TS Elliot quote--it's right on, once you become a parent. Some things at work just really aren't as important to bring home anymore...and the clutter building up in my closet doesn't matter like it used to. Time flies--truly--it's unebelievable. I'm already sad thinking about my unborn final child growing up. :(

Amanda said...

You are so right! It surely doesn't seem that seven years ago I was holding Baby Lexie as she slept, not even wanting to blink, as I was scared to miss something. Lucy is absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad she has a wonderful mom like you! Love you all and can't wait to see you again. Send lots of kisses to my beautiful neice.

mom said...

this is from your Grammy oh! so far away. you are in my thoughts constantly. i love you my little precious munchkin! it wasn't so long ago i was holding your are growing up so fast and i will miss a lot, i know. just know little Lucy that Grammy loves you and will be back soon to spoil you some more!

Anonymous said...

Reading this makes me miss you and James and Lucy so much. I love you all more than you can know and am so proud of you. I knew you would be a phenomenal mom and can not wait to see all that Lucy will accomplish. She is going to be an amazing little soul.