Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lucy Elf's First Christmas

Ever since baby Lucy was born, we've always lovingly called her our little elf. During a recent trip to Barnes&Noble, Jamie and I found out that Lucy really is an elf--she's on the cover of a book! Actually, we were out for the first time without our Lucy. In celebration of our 3rd wedding anniversary, we went to dinner at Saffron's (love some Indian food...) and then decided to walk around the book store. The whole time, though we enjoyed each other's company, we couldn't help but feel a bit fractured. When we went to the back to browse in the kid's section, we came across a fun little book called "Baby Elf's Christmas." Both of us laughed as we realized that the elf on the front was a spitting image of our daughter. Of course we had to buy it. But just seeing the cover of the book made us eager to get back home to our baby girl. We've already read it to Lucy several times, and she seems quite enthralled. Do you see the resemblance????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute. The three of you are just too much to take. I love being able to keep up with Lucy as she is growing and changing everyday, I might add. Give her hugs and kisses from Aunt Mary,( I guess that would be GREAT Aunt Mary but I will have to teach her to say my Great Aunt Mary as in wonderful not aging Aunt Mary.
Hope to see you soon.