Thursday, March 12, 2009

Adults Say the Darndest Things

As an antidote for my sugary post from yesterday, I thought it might be fun to showcase a collection of the random, bizarre, and not-so-nice comments from random strangers over the past year. For some odd reason, being visibly pregnant or lugging an infant around seems to encourage this behaviour. Now, for your enjoyment, here are a few of my favorites along with my response:

-"You're only 8 months pregnant. Wow, you look like you're miserable, but you've still got a ways to go."--Really? Do you really think I'm not keenly aware of how many weeks, days, hours and minutes I have until the biggest moment in my life? Until my hips stop aching, my ankles return to their natural size, and I can see my feet again?

-"I know YOU guys are going to have a big baby. "--Ok, so both Jamie and I have put on quite a bit of weight since marriage. However, both us of were small kids. And, both of us can still give our thinnger counterparts a run for their money when it comes to exercise. The bottom line: don't tell expecting parents that their kid is gonna be a pounder!

-"Wow. She's a BIG baby. Did you have her, well you know, naturally? You poor thing."--I kid you not. Multiple people said some sort of variation of this comment. Just for the record, it's never, never ok to say that to a new mother. The implications, while unstated, are just a bit too personal.

-"Oh my goodness. She has so much hair. (And then to me) You don't have that much hair. (And then to Jamie) You don't have that much hair either. I wonder where she gets it from?"--Hmmm...Honestly, I wasn't sure how to respond to this one. Was she implying that both of us have thin hair? Or, was she implying that we look like like a couple of cases of male and female pattern balding?

Actually, I know that the above offenders are all well-meaning, perfectly lovely people. But what is it about babies that makes complete strangers forget all decency and say such wonky things? Any thoughts? Feel free to share from your own experiences as well!

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