Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Magic Tricks

Each day is a surprise. We never know what tricks Miss Lucy has up her sleeve. In the past few days, she's begun waving. Mind you, people other than Jamie and I might not make out that it's a wave, but if you look closely, you'll see it. She holds her little hand up and wiggles her fingers with a slightly astonished look on her face. I think she's just as surprised as we are.

She's also become quite the swimmer. Or perhaps I should call her a water acrobat. Last night while bathing her, she was squirming around like a jelly worm. Before I knew it, she had managed to turn herself upside down and around in her baby tub. As I tried to grab the kitchen faucet from her hands, she reached for the dish soap. As I grabbed the dish soap, she grabbed the hand soap. While trying to rinse her hair, I noticed she was sucking on a mouthful of soapy washcloth. As soon as I took the soapy rag from her hands, she began smacking the water with both hands in baby exhilaration. What could be more fun that spraying towers of water all around the kitchen?

The excitement never ends!

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